Please use the contact form top right
if you wish to be added to roll call.
If you comment under any of the pages do not
give email or phone details

Still going strong September 2024
Me and the site


Thanks to William Lewis

Any lads who served in Willich
can add there names to this site through the contact me link.
I served in 21 Sqn from 1965 to 1969
Please use the comments to add anything of interest
about your time in Willich.
I do ask that you contact me with your contact details
and please leave your name on the comments so others
know who you are.

M.M.Molloy41 W/Shop christmas eve 1965Pat Moran, Pete Williams, Me etc

Wally Reese (Burglar). Hank Lawrence, Bert Kitchen,Vince Taff Jones.

Above from Gerald Rice 1960-61

Dave Valente. Howard Tomlinson. Brummie Neal.from Howard 1964-66

Early '84 I think From Peter Ziolkowski — with Simon Leith, Alan Hunt, ?? Gleeson, Bill Cook ´´Bilco``, Norman Steele, Dougie Benzie, Jim Dailey, Lofty Welsh, Dave Easton, Ray Smith RIP, Dave Winship, Dave Tonkin, Richard Hall, Jim Millar and Kevin Dillon-White at Willich.

Message from (3 Nov 21)
 Steven Wieczysty
The colour photo on your page... I'm the civvy on the top right. I was doing a Youth Opportunities Programme, a 6 month placement with (from memory, appologies  if wrong) Sgt Dave Easton, Cpls Ski and Smith and L'cpls Welsh & Leith. Seem to also remember a Captain McClean? I lived in Krefeld and used to moped over before the schlep to Haltern ranges.
If it's not to late to say... Thank you all for the experience and what I learnt - not just as a chainman.
Still remember my brain hurting as I looked through the Kern K1-M trying to understand if the top reading to the middle reading was greater than the middle reading to the bottom reading excepting a tolerance of x.

Brum dewhurst,paddy connolly, stan judkins, shepherd, pete bartlet,des McCann, tom wye, who, pete richardson, at rear ray calow, eric moat. from eric Moat 1961-67

Something of interest.

During the 80's two vehicles came into service,
the Centurion 105mm MBT in 1982 and the Willich A.V.R.E in 1987.
The Willich was designed by a Royal Engineer
who now serves as the SO2 in the Wing, Capt (retd) D Clegg MBE.
The vehicle was built by Armoured Engineers and
the R,E,M,E in the German town of Willich,
hence the name.
Both vehicles are no longer in service.


  1. Sample comment
    I served with 21 sqn 1965-69 in my time i was ration store Cpl did some time in stores troop.
    In 69 i became Sgts Mess caterer for about 6 months then on to stock taking for BAOR war reserve.
    Hank Lawrence 1965-69 21 Sqn

    this is the sort of item i think would help people to remember each other also you can message between yourselves here.

  2. mick Sloan
    i served with 41 plant park squadron at willich from september 1966 until may 1969, i was with plant and mt troop delivering military plant throughout b.a.o.r.example hameln, paderborn, osnabruck,hannover,my current email address is i currently live in ripon north yorkshire at moment

  3. Victoria (Rutledge) Hussey

    Like to say hello to Fingers or anyone else I knew & find out how life has been & what you are all up too.

    1. Hi Vicky, this is fingers.Happy days we had.A lot of water under the bridge.xx

  4. Jimmy (scouse) Daly.
    I served with 21 Sqn from 1970 - 1974. Played footie, rugby, cricket, basketball etc.
    Was CO'S driver and then Officers Mess caterer.
    Would love to attend reunion in 2012.

  5. Hi its Roger Martin i was in mt troop willich from sept 68 till april 71 ended up as co,s driver lt col JOINER,I remember mick sloan good scammel driver also spud murphey, and jughead johnson. we built the bridge over railway when i was

  6. Hello Roger Martin sent you an email and have not heard back please try contacting me via the contact hank link top left.

  7. Hi, i am Bob Carter and i was posted to 41 Sqn Plant troop in 1966, I also spent a while in 46 park Sqn down in Belgium before moving to Paderborn. I played football for the regiment for a while but decided that duty free drink was the order of the day. I've seen the light since

  8. welcome Bob please contact me via the contact hank link above so i can add you to the roll.
    Did you go to 5 fld sqn?
    hope to hear from you

  9. hello.hank.
    if u wann´a contact me leave a post

  10. Hello Paddy,
    I served in Willich between 76-79 in plant troop and I remember you! You can contact me direct at

    Pete Verdon

  11. hi Jimmy Daly and Paddy Burke,i remember both of you,i was in 21 and mt
    Bill Lewis--luigi
    can email me -bill7771{
    hoping to get over for 2012

  12. I served in Willich from 1969 until 1971 in lighting troop I left willich in 1971 to join HMS Intrepid and served 3 years on it then joint 11 field squadron in Rippon before leaving the services

    1. Hello Unknown you didnt give your name if you use the contact form and let me have your name and email i will add you to roll call.

  13. Hi Hank, Ken Wood here, I served in Willich twice, the first and best from '67 to '72. I remember you well, also Mick Sloan, Scouse Daly, Roger Martin, Bob Carter, and many others. I really loved Willich and didn't want to leave. Consumed lots of beer both in the NAAFI bar and downtown. I remember one Wednesday afternoon in the Mittendorf after swimming suddenly remembering I was on guard that night. Panic!! Oh happy days. The second tour wasn't nearly so much fun.

    1. Hi Ken Welcome be great if you use the contact form top right of this page so i can get back to you mate.

  14. Hi Hank, Ken Wood again. Have been trying for years to contact some of the crew I knew at Willich and thanks to you have made contact with Randy Pantin at last. We skype every Sunday evening. If anyone wants to contact me you can do so by Email on Hope to be at the next reunion whenever that is but for the time being Prost und Leb Wohl to everyone.

  15. The colour photo on your page... I'm the civvy on the top right. I was doing a Youth Opportunities Programme, a 6 month placement with (from memory, apologioes if wrong) Sgt Dave Easton, Cpls Ski and Smith and L'cpls Welsh & Leith. Seem to also remember a Captain McClean? I lived in Krefeld and used to moped over before the schlep to Haltern ranges.
    If it's not to late to say... Thank you all for the experience and what I learnt - not just as a chainman.
    Stil remember my brain hurting as I looked through the Kern K1-M trying to undertand if the top reading to the middle reading was gretaer than the middle reading to the bottom reading excepting a tollernace of x.

    1. Hello Steven thank you very much great to see the website still works. Please use contact form top of page so i have your email. I expect some will be asking when they see your message. I have placed it on the groups facebook page also.

  16. Anonymous
    Pete (tich) Walden I served at willich between1966 and 1969
    Started in 21 stores befor changing to 21 Mt remember spud Murphy and jughead
    I also qualified to drive the loco train also projectionist
    Three days a week etc

    1. Hi Pete please use the contact form top right so we can be in contact. I was ration store in 66 when you arrived.

    2. Hi Hank Pete (tich) Walden again thanks for the reply I don't have the Internet it passed me by
      Text I can manage.
      Remember meeting up with fingers at Longmoor
      Not as good as willich

    3. Hi Pete, ij you want contact with me via phone messenger etc comment again with your number, it wont be seen as i have to approve the messages to be published.

  17. Not to sure if this is the correct page to be posting on or not but unfortunately my father SPR Michael Colin White 24486585 passed away yesterday 16/12/2024 at the age of 63, he served for the royal engineers from 1979-1991 we believe it was within regiment 40, he served in Cyprus (where I was born), Germany (where my 2 brothers were born) and also in the Falklands... if there is anyone that knew my dad whilst he served or could give us anymore information about my dad's life in the army it would be greatly appreciated

    1. Hello Mr White condolences for your loss, as you see you commented as anonymous please us the contact form top right and let me know whyo you are so i can reply in private.
